We welcome you to the International Conference on Korean Studies, Education and
Innovation to be held on April 10-12, 2025 at Urgench State University in Urgench City, Khorezm
Region, Uzbekistan.
Our aim is to gather Educators on Korean Studies, policymakers and researchers to share their
academic and scholarly works and knowledge, and to create global networks and bonds.
In pursuit of this aim, we invite guest speakers from all over the world. In addition to the
guest speakers’ talks, the program will offer multiple types of
presentations, including research-driven papers, workshops, oral presentation,
colloquia/symposia and poster sessions. We are deeply grateful to any potential presenters who
will submit their proposals in response to our conference call and for sharing their research
outcomes and insightful ideas with all conference participants.
Many thanks should be given to the Academy of Korean Studies, South Korea, who is funding the
conference and assisting to make it happen this year.
The International Conference on Korean Studies, Education and Innovation invites research papers, workshops, colloquia/symposia, and poster sessions. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, sent via our submission platform at here. The organizing committee invites proposals on any aspects of Korean Studies and Language Education. Proposals related to the following sub-themes are especially welcome:
Plenary speaker: 45 minutes
Workshops: 60 minutes
Oral presentation: 30 minutes
Colloquia/symposia: 60 minutes
Poster presentations
Proposal submission deadline:
December 25, 2024
Notification of proposal acceptance
January 30, 2025
14, Kh.Alimdjan str, Urgench city, 220100, Uzbekistan
+998(99) 244 05 00
We cordially invite professors, teachers, researchers, students, and practitioners working in the field of Korean Studies, Education and Innovation from all over the world. Please, come join us! Enjoy a rich program filled with insightful presentations and cultural events!
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